Mental Health Myths

Mental Health Myths

October 10th was World Mental Health Day! This international holiday focuses on raising awareness about mental health issues and increasing access to mental health care. We at Serenity Solutions are incredibly passionate about these issues, and in honor of World Mental Health Day, we’re going to debunk some common myths about mental health.

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Anger and Activism

Anger and Activism

If you’ve been keeping up with the news recently, you’re probably finding very good reasons to be angry. Between the abortion bans in Texas, rampant violence against women, and the mass deportation of Haitian refugees at the Texas border, it can feel like the world is in a constant state of upheaval.

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Self-compassion for Tough Times

Self-compassion for Tough Times

When the stay-at-home orders began in March, many of our clients began talking about feelings of guilt. They were acutely aware of all that they had to be grateful for. This led to them feeling guilty for their negative emotions and emotional struggles resulting from the new changes in their lives.

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Acceptance is NOT the Answer

Acceptance is NOT the Answer

Are you feeling uncomfortable? The death of George Floyd and the resulting protests, riots, and looting, and calls to action have led to a lot of strong emotions. These feelings range from anger and rage to sadness, fear, and confusion to hope and can feel uncomfortable.

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Checking in: How is the quarantine affecting you?

Checking in: How is the quarantine affecting you?

I just wanted to check in and see how you are. It’s been about a month since many cities and states have had stay-at-home orders, including Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the whole state of New Jersey. Adjusting to and coping with this new normal can feel really difficult.

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Anger and Anxiety during COVID-19

Anger and Anxiety during COVID-19

The past two weeks have been weird. Here in Philadelphia, we have been ordered to stay at home, except for essential personal activities. Schools are closed, many people are working from home, and it’s difficult to find a roll of toilet paper at the store.

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5 Ways to Cope with Holiday Stress

5 Ways to Cope with Holiday Stress

How has your holiday season been so far? Are you looking forward to the rest of the holidays or are you wishing that you could fast forward to January and skip the whole thing? For a lot of us, this time of year creates a slew of mixed emotions.

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What’s getting in the way of Self-compassion?

What’s getting in the way of Self-compassion?

In big letters under the magazine title on Parents magazine are the words “Imagine Kindness”. In a much smaller icon under the giant “P” for People, it says “the kindness issue”. Two totally different types of magazines, yet they are both focusing on kindness.

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