National Recovery Month

National Recovery Month

Last week, I had the opportunity to accompany someone to her first Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) meeting. Sarah* had considered attending for a long time, but several things kept her from going. She feared that if she went, she’d have to admit that she had a problem and she wasn’t sure she was ready to do that.

Keeping Your Cool

Keeping Your Cool

A few weeks ago, I discovered that my landline was not working. I called the phone company and they scheduled for a technician to come out. While I waited a few days for the service call, the problem resolved, so when the technician came out, he couldn’t find anything wrong.

Holiday Self-Care

Holiday Self-Care

The holidays are upon us. It’s cold out there and people are running around trying to get everything done. How are you feeling? Does this time of year bring you joy and excitement? Or do you feel stressed, overwhelmed with busy schedules, family drama, and overeating?