Serenity Solutions offers in-person and virtual therapy options in PA and NJ.

General Mental Health Articles

What’s Getting in the Way of Starting Therapy Now?

If you’re on the fence about starting therapy, I understand why. We live in an age when our mental health is more important than ever, but there’s still a stigma attached to it. You may have tried therapy before and found it ineffective or unhelpful for you personally—or maybe you never even made it to your first session because fear got in the way.

Gratitude and Antiracism

Thanksgiving brings up conflicting emotions for many of us. While it’s certainly a pleasure to have time to commune with family and friends, reflect on what we’re thankful for, and prepare for the winter holidays, the celebration can feel bittersweet when we think about the holiday’s colonial roots.

Mental Health Myths

October 10th was World Mental Health Day! This international holiday focuses on raising awareness about mental health issues and increasing access to mental health care. We at Serenity Solutions are incredibly passionate about these issues, and in honor of World Mental Health Day, we’re going to debunk some common myths about mental health.

Self-compassion for Tough Times

When the stay-at-home orders began in March, many of our clients began talking about feelings of guilt. They were acutely aware of all that they had to be grateful for. This led to them feeling guilty for their negative emotions and emotional struggles resulting from the new changes in their lives.

What’s Getting in the Way of Starting Therapy Now?

What’s Getting in the Way of Starting Therapy Now?

If you’re on the fence about starting therapy, I understand why. We live in an age when our mental health is more important than ever, but there’s still a stigma attached to it. You may have tried therapy before and found it ineffective or unhelpful for you personally—or maybe you never even made it to your first session because fear got in the way.

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Gratitude and Antiracism

Gratitude and Antiracism

Thanksgiving brings up conflicting emotions for many of us. While it’s certainly a pleasure to have time to commune with family and friends, reflect on what we’re thankful for, and prepare for the winter holidays, the celebration can feel bittersweet when we think about the holiday’s colonial roots.

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Mental Health Myths

Mental Health Myths

October 10th was World Mental Health Day! This international holiday focuses on raising awareness about mental health issues and increasing access to mental health care. We at Serenity Solutions are incredibly passionate about these issues, and in honor of World Mental Health Day, we’re going to debunk some common myths about mental health.

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Tips for Affordable Mental Health

Tips for Affordable Mental Health

You’ve been struggling with stress and anxiety for some time now, but you haven’t figured out what to do to feel better. As a result, you feel depressed and angry, you’re not sleeping well and life just isn’t as enjoyable as you’d like it to be. You’ve wondered if you should see a therapist

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You are not Alone

You are not Alone

This week marks Mental Illness Awareness Week, a week dedicated to increasing awareness and knowledge of mental health issues to help decrease stigma. This campaign, organized by the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), encourages people to learn more, see people for who they are (not their illness) and advocate for equal care.

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Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays!

As 2012 comes to an end, I have been reminiscing about the year. It has been filled with ups and downs, in my life and in the lives of many others.

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