Individual therapy and Counseling at Serenity Solutions Therapy in Philadelphia, PA.

Online Therapy

  • Are you looking for the support and help of a therapist but your busy schedule makes it feel like you don’t have time to drive to and from an office and find parking?
  • Is it difficult to find childcare for your baby so you can come to therapy?

Long before quarantine, Serenity Solutions was offering online therapy to new parents who were home with their newborns or no longer commuting into Center City Philadelphia for work. We also offered telehealth sessions to people whose work schedules or location interfered with their ability to get to our office. Since COVID-19, we continue to offer the flexibility of online therapy to people who find telehealth to be a better option for them.

We can help you:

  • Learn how to relax, be in the moment, and stop racing thoughts
  • Stop your anger reactions when you are triggered and let go of feelings of shame
  • Adjust to parenting a new baby or another baby and enjoy time with your family without feeling overwhelmed
  • Find healthy ways to cope with the stressors of life without using alcohol or other drugs

Serenity Solutions offers online therapy to people struggling with anxiety, anger management, pregnancy and postpartum anxiety, and addictions. Personalized therapy that incorporates Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and mindfulness can help you find ways to make helpful changes in how you interact with your thoughts and feelings so you can choose how you want to live your life.

Is Online Therapy for Me?

This is a great question. The answer depends on your circumstances.

Online therapy is right for you if you:

  • Can stay focused on a telehealth call without getting distracted by other websites, apps, or the incomplete chores around you.
  • Have enough privacy to feel safe talking about what is bothering you.
  • Are recovering from childbirth or coping with a medical issue that makes it difficult to get to the office.

Online therapy is NOT right for you if you:

  • Need a break from caring for your baby but would be caring for them during an online therapy session.
  • Feel isolated and alone and spend too much time at home.
  • Struggle with social anxiety and would benefit from interacting with your therapist in person.
  • Struggle with agoraphobia and would benefit from practicing leaving your home.

How does online therapy work? What if I’m not internet-savvy?

Our video program is very easy to use. At the time of your appointment, just click on the link that your therapist sends you, type in your name, and your therapist will join the video session shortly thereafter. If you need to do a phone session, just let your therapist know in advance so they know to call you at the time of your appointment.

But isn’t therapy supposed to be in person? Does it work online?

Online and telephone therapy is not new. People have been using it for many years. Research shows that online therapy can be as effective as in-person therapy.

What if I don’t have a private place to talk at home?

You have the option to do in-person therapy in Center City Philadelphia. If that doesn’t work for you, here are some helpful solutions for how to have some privacy during your session.

  • Use headphones or earbuds.
  • Go into your car.
  • Do walk-and-talk therapy by wearing earbuds or headphones and walking through your neighborhood. This also provides you with an opportunity to get out in the fresh air, which is helpful for your mental health.
  • Ask your therapist to schedule your appointment at a time when the other people in your house will be working, out for a walk, or asleep.
If you have other questions about online therapy or are ready to get started, call us at 267-317-8817 or click here to schedule your free 15-minute phone consultation to take the first step toward getting the support you need. We look forward to hearing from you.

Contact Serenity Solutions

    Please be advised that we do not take insurance but are able to provide specialized invoices for you to submit to your insurance company to apply for out-of-network reimbursement. You can learn more on our fees page.

    Making Sure You Are a Human:

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